Sunday, November 30, 2014

I Am Cursed

Wow! Thank you all for the positive strokes for my first post. My baby brother, who has now labeled himself my "blog father" (which is kinda creepy), showed me all sorts of stuff to do to get this site up and running, but I have forgotten 3/4 of the info. So I now have 2 followers and I do not remember what he said about how to find their pages or link to them or anything. I can tell you that Preachers and Horse Thieves and GunDivas have chosen to keep an eye on what I'm up to, for which I am grateful. (In full disclosure, Preachers & Horse Thieves is my baby brother who refers to me in his blog as "My sister...the Devil". I can live with that.)

So on to post numero dos.

It is a well known fact that I am cursed. My curses manifest in different ways, none of which I understand how or why.

Curse #1: I have multiple twins. It is inevitable that I will meet someone new and that person will say "You look just like my....(sister-in-law, 3rd cousin, a friend of a friend of a friend)".  I did have one person try to say I looked like some movie star, but she couldn't remember the name and I would not have known who she was talking about anyway. Needless to say, I do not look like any movie star.

Curse #2: People who can't remember my name call me Jennifer. All the time. Really. There is absolutely no conceivable association with my name and Jennifer. There is nothing wrong with the name Jennifer (I know several very nice Jennifers) but I am not a Jennifer. I had a Spanish instructor call me Jennifer all semester. The entire class would correct her. Poor woman.

Curse #3: I look like I know I'm doing. Last week I was at the grocery store looking at all of the flour options. A woman came up and asked me where the tapioca flour was located. I don't even know what tapioca flour is! My eldest daughter (a side note--I have decided to refer to my offspring as the Myrtles, with Myrtle the Elder and Myrtle the Younger to be specific. They answer to Myrtle Ann and Myrtle Sue respectively, soooo....) Myrtle the Elder and I were taking an early morning drive to Decatur for a livestock show. I was diligently following my GPS which led me (diligently) into the middle of nowhere. I am talking dirt road middle of nowhere here. The drivers of the TWO cars that blindly followed me into the middle of nowhere admitted that they followed me because I looked like I knew where I was going. Yeah. No.

Curse #4: My baby brother, KB, is mother's favorite. Fact.

Again, Thank you all for your support.



  1. After pleasurably reading this introduction, I know I'm going to love your future writings also. So, hop to it, forget all else, like housework, etc. and share your mind with all of us readers.
    Have just come across your brother today and without doubt enjoyed reading his "About" and looking forward to going deeper.

    1. Thank you, Sissy! I forgot about housework a very long time ago, but I shall endeavor to forget about something else of equal importance.

  2. I need to write you a manual or something? Blog Father/Mother is a term used to identify the person who gets you started in blogging. It's only creepifying if you send a father's day card and ask for advice. Other blogging etiquette lessons will be forthcoming. You appear to have figured out that it's good manners to respond to comments.

    1. I didn't know that was a real term. It's still kinda creepy but not to worry, I won't send you a card or anything. A manual would be lovely. Thank you.

  3. Well I really am Jennifer and have no problem sharing the moniker occasionally.

  4. Just found your blog via your brother and find your offerings to be most amusing.

    No, I don't talk like that in person.

    Great stuff, keep it up!

  5. Don't worry, you'll have your own "tribe" in not time. No doubt, it will initially overlap with Daddy Hawk's but other people will find you :)

    1. This thing doesn't have stickers. I'd send you a thumbs up if I could. Thanks, GunDiva!
